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سعر عادي LE 2,100.00 سعر البيع LE 1,950.00

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Cavex Bite&White Shade Correction is a fast, safe and effective system for restoring the natural tooth color. It is an In-Office system, so the entire procedure is carried out by the dentist in the dental practice. The revolutionary gel in the system makes it possible to restore the original tooth color with only 2 to 3 applications in 1 treatment.

The Shade Correction System is based on 25% Hydrogen Peroxide Superior (HPS). This revolutionary gel, developed and patented by Cavex, is based on reactive oxygen added in the form of stabilized, encapsulated hydrogen peroxide. Upon contact with saliva, the pure hydrogen peroxide in the HPS gel is rapidly broken down into oxygen and water. This process creates free radicals that attack the carbon double bonds in chromophores that are the source of most discoloration in teeth.

Due to the unique formula, the HPS gel works extremely fast. This minimizes treatment time and thus the risk of sensitivity. The thermo-reversible properties of the gel ensure that it stays perfectly in place during the treatment which maximizes the final result. The system consists of a unique applicator pen with a brush for maximum control during application and a protective barrier to protect the surrounding soft tissue.

More information about this product? Download the brochure below. Visit our distributor’s page to discover where the product is available.


  • Very fast results
  • Based on 25% Hydrogen Peroxide Superior
  • Only 2 to 3 applications in 1 treatment
  • Full control over the application through the brush
  • The thermo-reversible HPS gel stays perfectly in place
  • Ready to use product, no mixing required
  • Can be stored at room temperature
  • Available in: Starter Pack (2x pen & 1x barrier + 5 tips), Pen Bulk Pack (12x pen), Barrier Bulk Pack (3x barrier + 10 tips)
  • Class I Medical Device

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الجودة والخبرة الاستثنائية: في متجرنا لطب الأسنان وتقويم الأسنان، نقدم منتجات وخدمات من الدرجة الأولى، مدعومة بفريق من المهنيين ذوي المهارات العالية. نحن نضمن حصولك على حلول طب الأسنان وتقويم الأسنان عالية الجودة، والمصممة لتلبية احتياجاتك الخاصة بدقة وعناية.

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سموحة امام جامعة فاروس
الإسكندرية، مصر

السبت - الخميس، 8 صباحًا - 6 مساءً


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